Over the last three years or so, SIFPS has been the recipient of substantial donations from various people and organizations.

Some donations were specifically earmarked for the ‘Building Project’, while others were given for more general or occasionally specific uses.

Together, these donations have greatly assisted us continue to provide a strong level of Emergency Services on Saturna, while at the same time constructing these new buildings to enhance the delivery of these services in the future.

Donations – Building Project

Donors of monies earmarked to assist with the completion of the ESBs – totaling $76,853

S. Ayres, R. Barrow, ITG Enterprises – Ian Gaines, Gaines Enterprises Ltd. – John & Melanie Gaines, Lester Bomford Contracting Ltd., H.&P. Janszen, W.&B. McLeod, Money Family Projects Ltd. – John & Carol Money, Saturna Garage & Contracting Ltd. – Barry Crooks, I. Smyth, Strange Music Productions Inc.

Donors of monies originally donated in support of an Ambulance Building – totaling $80,503

N. Angermeyer, S.&D. Askew, J. Bavis, J.&J. Bavis, M. Bray, G. Beech, C.&V. Beishuizen, G.&E. Belson, P. Bennett, R. Blagborne, M. Bolton, T. Bouchard, G. Bregani, D. Bruce, M. Burns, R. Cameron, C. Campbell, F. Campbell, R.&E. Campbell, L. Carson, P. Carney, F.&S. Cathcart, D.&D. Chase, B. Collins, J. Collins, N.&R. Constable, M.&E. Coulter, B. Crooks, G. Crooks, L. Cunningham, CUPE Hospitality Fund, D.&D. Curwen, David Elford Holding Co., A.&T. DeJoseph, A. Digance, L.&D. Digance, B.&J. Dixon-Warren, S. Dosman, S.&A. Dosman, M. Dubois-Phillips, A. Farrow, J. Farrow, L. Field, M. Foulkes, L. Forrest, I. Gaines, D.&W. Gibson, B.&A. Giese, I. Goto, Grant & Hooper, B. Grasswick, A. Green, D. Gregson, A. Guthrie, Haggis Farm, B. Haley, F. Harley, J.&M. Harter, P.&H. Harrower, B.&P. Hicks, K. Hicks, B. Hollingshead, Hom Family, J. Hope, R.&V. Hopkins, B. House, T. Howard, J. Hutchinson, G. Hyam, J. Jackson, E.&H. Jacobson, Jamieson & Mclarnon, J.&L. Jarvis, B.&A. Keir, Knapp & Mackinnon, T.&S. Koochin, Krause & Chevalier, L. Keay, H.Kriese, S. Kriese, J. Land, K. Leslie, A.&B. Lewis, M.&W. Lindsay, J. Logan, N. Logan, M. Mackenzie, W.&M. Mackie, G. Manzano, C. Maurice, E. McColl, J. McMillan, J.&V. McMillan, L. Mesner, E. Molnar, J.&C. Money, L.&M. Moore, T.&M. Moore, Z. Moore, E. Nicol, M. O’Keefe, R.&V. Owen, M. Palaima, R..&E. Parker, J.&L. Paulsen, D.&S. Pertz, J. Petura, H.&D. Phillips, R. Picher, L.&D. Piper, P. Ploster, J. Ploughman, P.&C. Poffenberger, W.&L. Quinn, J. Randall, M. Rankin, F.&L. Rayner, D. Rees-Thomas, D.&J. Rees-Thomas, C. Reif, Rice & Kafal, G.&D. Robertson, B.&P. Ropars, P. Rosa, Rush & Saunders, A.&K. Russell, Rutherford & Picciotto, I. Sacker, Saturna Bridge Club, Saturna Community Club, Saturna General Store, D.&J. Scantland, N. Schacter, W. Schermbrucker, Sea Cider, B.&B. Searle, S. Shirran, P.&M. Sinclair, W.R..Silverberg, J.&D. Sjerve, P.&D. Smith, T. Smith, W.&M. Smith, M. Smitton, I. Smyth, A. Strand, A.&K. Stonehouse, J.&S. Stonier, S. Stonier, R.&S. Stuart, Taylor & McCallum, A.&B. Tetlow, J. Tipple, Thirty One Square, K. Tweedy, Victoria Foundation, W. Vincent, Wagner & Fox, R. Walenta, S. Washington-Smythe, D.&J. Wilson, D. Wood, J. Woodend, S. Van Vianen, Yakura & Kruse, B.&A. Ziegler, as well as Auction Proceeds and cash

Total Donations – Building Project $157,356

Donations – General & Specific Use

L. Anderson, J. Bavis, J.&J. Bavis, E. Branter, B. Campbell, P. Carney, L.&B. Clare, J. Collins, B.&N. Constable, D. Digance, L. Elling-Quaintance, Glenn Mountain Electric Ltd., M. Jeffery, S. Koochin, K. Krieger, T. Lautens, Lyall Harbour B&B – Donna & Len Digance, J. Marcia, W. McLeod, J. Money, J. Polster, Old Country Carpenters – Trevor Morris, M. Rushton, I. Sacker, Saturna Lions Club, Saturna Volunteer Firefighters, A. Shirran, D.&H. Smith, H.Vallee, B.&C. Walisser

Total Donations – General & Specific Use $ 15,326


Other Donations – Non-Monetary

Donations of material, time, and/or equipment for the construction and/or use in the ESBs

D. Carberry, D.&L. Carson, C. Hull, J. Jeffery, T. Johnstone, K. Kendall, J. Money, A. Pearson, D.&J.Rees-Thomas, T. Simmonds, B. Sohier, S. Thomas, J. Wiznuk – as well as many other volunteer firefighters and SIR volunteers

There are others too, that have gone unrecorded – we apologize if anyone has been missed – and we thank all donors!